
More and more people are registering their business on the Shopify platform every day. As a result, Shopify stores in different industries are starting to look the same. For your Shopify store to stand out, you'll want to make sure it's designed for an intuitive user experience, optimized for conversion, and maintains a strong brand presence.

At Norden Web, we can help you with a conversion-optimized Shopify design that matches your brand. In addition, we have developed dozens of customizations that really set stores apart from others in their industry. Are you ready to stand out from the other stores?


There are over 75 million WordPress websites, and 14.7% make up the top 100 websites in the world. To stand out from the competition, you need a targeted design strategy optimized for conversions that deliver results.

UX? UI? ROI? We've got you covered. Norden Web builds conversion-optimized WordPress websites that match the brand's ambitions. Whether you sell products or run a service-based business, we deliver the results you need to grow. Are you ready to crush the competition and differentiate your brand from the rest?